Monday, June 25, 2007

A slight feeling of insignifance.

Lately I've been having a funny feeling. Haven't really been able to pin down exactly what it was. But after talking to one of my friends in Chicago he put it best. You step out of your relm and realize that there is a enormous world around you. It is a feeling of insignifance as you lose yourself in your surroundings. Whether it be the buildings, the sky, the highway, or your newly claimed office.

I have been experiencing this feeling. At first it scared me. I couldn't believe that what I thought was the world, so to speak, was bigger than I had ever imagined.

I believe that this feeling comes from the use of technology. How easy is it to pick up a phone and call home? How easy is it to send a friend in Chicago an email? How easy is it to send someone an IM? EASY!

Technology has begun to play a huge role in the shaping of us as human beings. We now take for granted the little things. The friendly letter in the mail, the car ride you took to see family, or even the way the clouds start to form in the sky.

We have turned on auto-pilot. We are set on cruise control. We are cruising and flying through life.

What I've started doing is taking a break. Breath. Enjoy the little moments like the wind blowing through the trees. Slow down on your way home after work, your house will still be there.

Step back and you will begin to feel this feeling of insignifance as well as the feeling of fulfillment. Try it. It won't hurt!

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